sábado, 26 de septiembre de 2015

My Fears.

Fear of not to know where to go.
Fear of feeling sad.
Fear of darkness.
Fear of losing myself.
Fear of getting older.
Fear of the way that the world is going.
Fear of forget muy memories.
Fear of the empty nights.
Fear of waking up without my family.
Fear of disappointing myself.
Fear of disappointing my family.
Fear of the future.
Fear of not to know who I am.
Fear of death.
Fear of being wrong.
Fear of empty.
Fear of falling into the deep.
Fear of muy fears.
Fear this day will end without any positive feeling.
Fear of waking up to find my memories are gone.
Fear of not loving and fear of not to be loved.
Fear that what I love disapeared.
Fear of not feeling.
Fear of losing my life.
Fear of empty.
I've said that.

miércoles, 23 de septiembre de 2015

The Influence Of Our Thoughts

The other day I saw a television advertisement that spoke of such a Pygmalion effect so I googled about it and I found it interesting to comment.

This effect originates from a Greek myth.A sculptor, Pygmalion fell in love with one of his sculptures called Galatea and he always dreamed she was real. Aphrodite, seeing that Pygmalion was in love with her sculpture, turned Galatea into a real woman.

For this reason it is said that if a person believes absolutely that something is going to happend, that something will occur.So we should all think in positive.

lunes, 21 de septiembre de 2015

Tips For Writing An Essay

Durning the few classes we have had, we have learned three different techniques that will help us to write an essay.
The first technique seems to me really simple and easy, it was making a topic from a general idea or theme.Well, that simple was this task that I couldn't do it easily.
Step to step you will finally get a wonderfull essay or maybe only an essay.

Yes, I couldn't, but practicing and practicing this assignment turned out to be quite useful.
The second one was a brainstorming.This technique is to write whatever passes through your mind.It is very effective and you will surprise about what you have inside your mind.
Finally, the third one was to make a map with all the ideas you want to write.
Concluding I can not say which one is the best because I think all of them help me to start writing. 
So we should use these tips in our writings, at least until we have practice.